Friday, October 6, 2017


Patrol Log:  9710062017



**Audiobook provided by the author for an honest review**

Rated it

The pack is coming together, but one wolf would rather be alone with his demons than united as a team. In the second installment in the Olento Research series, Connor runs from the Lucidite Institute and his pack, fearful of what the wolf will make him do. All of the men describe feeling the impulses, thedesires that are unquenchable, coursing through them. But Connor knows he has a lesser chance of resisting those impulses due to his background. And after what he almost did to Adelaide, he can't risks it happening again. 

The Lucidites have one hell of a job on their hands with the wolf pack they have been trying to round up.  Adelaid and Roxy have been working together to gather the entire pack that have escaped the evil doers that created them before they hurt innocent people.  After capturing a few of the crew, Mika the mastermind behind the wolves, has created a "super wolf" to track the escapees down and bring them back.  Connor fled the Lucidites in fear of hurting Adelaid, and all hell breaks loose with Adelaid when her father's book goes missing.  Where is Connor?  Where is Ren's book?  And why aren't we trying to find the guys that created this nightmare?

Mika, (the evil mastermind behind the wolves) is at it again.  He has turned his loyal assistant into a "super wolf" in order to track the escaped wolves down and bring them in.  Adelaid and the gang are searching for Connor, and when they find him he is on the brink of death.  Roxy is being Rox and toying with Zefer's emotions.  Then there is the case of the missing book, that Adelaid feels totally lost without because it is the closest thing she has to her father.  The feelings I see developing between Connor and Adelaid gives me hope for the spunky red head.  She needs someone to show her how to love, how to be a real human being.  With her unique abilities, she was never able to get close to men before, and now she may have met her match.  Will Connor survive long enough for Adelaid to find true love?  Well with the constant danger they are always in, who knows!  Zefer just may make an honest woman out of Roxy...well crazier things have happened, lol.  What I'm mainly interested in is how they are going to shut the guys down that stole the Lucidites research to begin with!  They need to be the priority, not the wolves because as long as they are around, they will just keep creating these un-natural creatures from unwilling people.  I hope we have a break through in the next book in this regard.  Otherwise this was another outstanding read, and great sequel to the first book!

Narrator Review

Elizabeth Klett returns to voice Adelaid and the gang.  She continues to do a fabulous job telling the story as well as draw me into their world.  As long as Elizabeth is around,  I will continue to follow.  5 Fang rating for the narrator!  




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